
Call Us : 425-822-3131
Monday - Friday 8AM - 6PM
24/7 Towing: 425-821-9004

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I have a warning light on my dash, what does it mean?

A. A warning light means there is a problem with the engine, transmission, or some other part of your car. It should not be ignored - even if the car seems to be running normally. Getting the problem diagnosed early, may save you from a major repair later on.

Q. My car has an "oil" leak, how important is this?

A. A leak under your car requires immediate attention. A simple "oil" leak could be engine oil, transmission fluid, or brake fluid. A loss of oil or fluid can cause major problems. NOTE: If you see an oil puddle larger than 3 or 4 inches, do not drive any further without calling us at (425) 822-3131.

Q. What does a diagnostic test cost?

A. Kirkland Transmission offers a free performance/diagnostic test to determine if your vehicle has a transmission or engine related problem.

Q. How long does a diagnostic test take?

A. Normally, a performance/diagnostic test can done while you wait. If possible, it is best to email or call ahead for an appointment time.

Q. My car won't run, how do I get it to your shop?

A. Towing is available 24/7 by calling (425) 822-3131. This service is provided by an independent towing company which will charge you directly.

Q. How often should I bring my car in for a checkup?

A. Regular maintenance will save you money in the long run. Kirkland Transmission recommends you bring your car in annually for a free performance/diagnostic test to catch problems early.

Q. If my transmission is bad, should it be repaired or rebuilt?

A. It depends. A repair replaces just the failed parts, so it is less costly and good if you don't intend to keep the car for a long time. A rebuild replaces failed parts as well as worn parts tha may fail in the near future. So a rebuild is the best option if you plan on keeping the car.

Q. Is the transmission and engine work covered by warranty?

A. Yes, all work performed by Kirkland Transmission is covered by warranty. The warranty period and specific components covered depend on the service provided.

Q. If I tow a trailer with my vehicle, will it cause any problems?

A. Towing a trailer with a car or truck, especially in the mountains, puts stress on the vehicle's transmission. The added heat causes fluids to break down rapidly and can lead to wear or failure. Ask your Kirkland Transmission technician for specific advice about your vehicle's needs.


Catch small problems before they become major repairs! Bring your car into Kirkland Transmission today for a free performance/diagnostic test.
